Using "Make packed name" will offer as default file name for the packed file or folder the original name followed by an "f" character. This can be useful if you want the unpacked and packed files in the same folder without overwriting the packed file. In StuffIt if you don't want to overwrite, it causes some annoyance when you have to answer the dialog box and change the name.for the unpacked file. The Diamond method is also useful for easily identifying Diamond packed files from a list. If you don't check this box, unpacking a file with the same name as the packed file will overwrite the packed file (with warning). This is something you may wish to do. StuffIt also has an option to delete the packed file. Use
"Keep dates" if you want to preserve the original file and modification in the
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"Get Info" box. This can be useful. Lacking this feature has caused some problems when downloading Apple System Files from BBSs. If you do not select it, an unpacked file will adopt the time and date of its "recreation". StuffIt also has an option to retain the original modification date.
The "Password" box use is obvious. StuffIt too allows encryption. StuffIt also allows adding comments to stuffed files which I can see could be useful (although I personally have not used this feature).
A feature StuffIt has that Diamond doesn't is the ability to split a single file into multiple segments (and, of course, reassemble it!). This is useful in the BBS arena for several reasons. Users of